Monday, November 11, 2013

Lessons Learned and Calories Burned

Thanks so much for making it such a great day, and I hope to see some more new faces tomorrow - get those forms in with signed checks (and thank your parents for signing them).

We got off to a cold start this season, but it looks like Wednesday will be balmy by comparison. Let's take a moment to review what we learned today:

Lesson #1: Hats
Lesson #2: Gloves

I recommend bringing an extra set to leave in your locker if you have any lying around. Also, I failed to mention this before: if you have wet clothes, they will stay wet unless you hang them up or let them out to dry. This means that if you left balls of wet clothes at the bottom of your locker, you need to bring some dry stuff, or at least take a trip to the locker room tomorrow morning to hang things up.

We'll either practice again at Lake George tomorrow, or else have an expedition all the way to Riverside Park.

Roller skiers (you know who you are): bring a HELMET, or you will not be allowed to roller ski.


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