Well, the snow is falling but the big question is, will it be enough?
If we get 6 inches we will be skiing tomorrow. I want everyone to plan on skiing. Be prepared.
Busing: there will be a bus departing Tech from door 6 at 3:45. Tech students change prior to busing to maximize time on snow. South students just do your best to make the transfer on time and change at Riverside. If you are riding with a friend make sure and let your parents know who you will be carpooling with.
Parents can pick up their students at Riverside Shelter tomorrow at 5:30.
O.K. we have snow and if we're skiing it will be thin! A lot of you have team skis or have recently purchased new skis and we don't want to ruin them day one! Any damage to the base of the ski reduces performance and wrecks the life of the ski.
PLEASE SKI SMART! Don't clip in until you're next to the trail.
AVOID, SIDEWALKS, ROCKS, DIRT and other debris you see coming up through the snow.
Let's protect your and our team investment.
Lastly, how can you not love snow? It's so gorgeous outside, enjoy, and we'll see everyone tomorrow.
PLEASE check blog tomorrow during the day for updates or changes.
Parent dessert night tomorrow:-)
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