Monday, November 30, 2015

Ski Day 1?

Well, the snow is falling but the big question is, will it be enough?
If we get 6 inches we will be skiing tomorrow. I want everyone to plan on skiing. Be prepared.
Busing: there will be a bus departing Tech from door 6 at 3:45. Tech students change prior to busing to maximize time on snow. South students just do your best to make the transfer on time and change at Riverside. If you are riding with a friend make sure and let your parents know who you will be carpooling with.
Parents can pick up their students at Riverside Shelter tomorrow at 5:30.

O.K. we have snow and if we're skiing it will be thin! A lot of you have team skis or have recently purchased new skis and we don't want to ruin them day one! Any damage to the base of the ski reduces performance and wrecks the life of the ski.
PLEASE SKI SMART! Don't clip in until you're next to the trail.
AVOID, SIDEWALKS, ROCKS, DIRT and other debris you see coming up through the snow.
Let's protect your and our team investment.

Lastly, how can you not love snow? It's so gorgeous outside, enjoy, and we'll see everyone tomorrow.

PLEASE check blog tomorrow during the day for updates or changes.

Parent dessert night tomorrow:-)

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Nov 30th

Welcome Back!
I hope everyone's break recharged their battery. We have a big push the next 3 1/2 weeks. With four races on the schedule the learning curve is going to be sharp. Let's make the most of each practice so we're confident going into these races.
Speaking of races the first is this Thursday. The race organizer said it will be dependent on this upcoming snow, so it's snow storm or bust on this first one.
Tomorrow I want everyone to bring their ski boots. If the snow hasn't started falling yet we will be roller skiing. That means more importantly everyone with roller skis bring them tomorrow!!

Meet at the ski room.


-Parent dessert night Tuesday. Check e-mails for details.

-I think we're down to our final 5-10 spruce pots!

Monday, November 23, 2015


Quick reminder, if you have your own ski boots bring them tomorrow. We will meet at door 6 at Tech. Practice will be 9:30-11.

See you in the morning!

Thanks again to everyone who made it out this morning:-)

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving Week

Pancakes, eggs, bacon, hashbrowns with a side of waxing. You guys rock. Not sure you want your parents to know you have that skill set;-) Thanks for the all hands in effort by everyone.

Remember, let's not give up these two weeks of gains we've made! Stay active, you know the drills, pick the ones you like least and keep after them.

Monday: practice at Riverside 9:30-11am.

Tuesday: 9:30am-11 at Tech.


1. Fundraiser:keep plugging along.

2. Parent Dessert Night: Tuesday, December 1st. check e-mails tonight for more info.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Ski Waxing 101

Would you like some pancakes with that wax?
Saturday 9am Tech!

See you in the morning.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Way to make the most of these back to back indoor days!
Thanks to everyone who turned in their goals. If you haven't, please turn in tomorrow.

FUNDRAISER: let's try and make sure we have these spruce pots knocked out before Thanksgiving.
If everyone does their part this should not be a problem Thanks Again to everyone who has sold their quota +!

Tomorrow I'm hoping we can make a move to Riverside park.

Saturday: we have lots of dry and new skis that are hungry for wax. Let's think about feeding the need. More tomorrow.

Monday, November 16, 2015



Throw shorts in the bag for an indoor session. Looks like another rainy day.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Thanks again to everyone who helped make the bedazzling such a success. Almost a quarter of the Spruce Planters were sold by the time we closed shop today!
Extra special shout out to Maia and her mad bow tying skills and cookies. I should have been taking notes.

Tomorrow plan on running but with a little flare;-)


Goals-hand them to me in the new ski room before we start practice.

Check out the store front, shop closes tomorrow night.

See everyone tomorrow!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Store Front for Hats and Buffs/Cozy

If you are interested in either or both you need to have your order in by Nov. 16th at midnight. The two are an amazing combination into true Nordic and winter comfort. I live in mine most of the winter, skiing, biking, running, shoveling the driveway, etc.
Sorry for the short turn around, but this date allows for a mid December ship date. Anything later and we may have slipped into January product run.

Password: tech

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Way to make the most of today Team. It was just one of those days where any normal person bags their outdoor activity. The winds were 15 mph, gusts to 30, temps in the 30's, clouds heavy with a kaleidoscope of gray. Top this sundae off with a touch of rain and sleet, thank you! You guys nailed it. Hardly a complaint and lots of smiles. I was sipping my tea this morning and my tea bag tab of wisdom proclaimed "joy is the essence of success." Let's continue to have fun and grow.


Goals: please hand in tomorrow.

Spruce Pot Bedazzlers, let me know if you're open to help. 

Team Store Front will open tomorrow. Check blog for link. Hat and Buff/Cozy will be available. 
It will close Monday I believe. Sorry for the quick turn around but we should get them mid-December this way.

South students we will meet you at the track, but practice will finish at Tech for pick-ups.

See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Thanks everyone for your patience today as we fitted students with skis. Next step boots, but we'll save that for another day.
Thursday looks brisk, winds may finally have a little chill behind them. Please remember hats, gloves, pants and a jacket. Meet in the hallway outside the weight room.


Goals-reference post from earlier this week and put some thoughts on paper for us by Friday.

Spruce Pots-should be ready to distribute Monday:-)

Volunteers for Decorating-please talk with Miriam.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Wednesday rain?

Wonderful work today. I do have to say I am quite jealous to have missed out on the amazing yoga session lead by coach Peggy! I'll seek the divine tutelage she bestowed in her students until I can experience it first hand. I do hope you found better body awareness, leading to better balance, strength and flexibility through your session today.
With rain, ;-( not snow looking fairly certain tomorrow I will be looking to fit skis to skiers during practice. Everyone will be working out, just those of you with skis a bit longer. We will be doing indoor workouts. Maybe stuff a light jacket and pants in the gear bag just in case we should catch a break in the gales of November.

Spruce Pot flyers were e-mailed out today. If you didn't receive one e-mail me so I can send to you.

See everyone tomorrow.

Meet in Room 41 Lecture Hall.

Monday, November 9, 2015


Thanks for making the first day of practice great everyone! Remember to think about your goals for the season. I would like something in the direction of long term vision and short term motivation to give focus and drive you throughout the season. Below are some ideas and direction to help you make your goal as purposeful as possible.  See everyone tomorrow.

Setting Goals

The ski season spans about three months, and you will be amazed how quickly that will pass. Make something out of this time: and to do this, set goals. And make them "SMART" goals:

"I want to get better at skiing" is not specific. "I want to finish in the top half at a race" is specific.

"I want to finish in the top half at a race" is measurable.How can you decide if you've met your goal if you can't measure it?

Attainable"I want to ski for the U.S. Olympic team" is not attainable. What's attainable will be different for everyone, but you will surprise yourself at what you can achieve if you commit to it. You can take a lofty goal and make it happen by breaking it down into bite-sized attainable pieces.

"I want to write the next great American novel", while admirable, isn't relevant to skiing. There are things besides skiing fast that could be relevant. "I want to cheer my teammates on for their entire race when I'm not skiing" is an example.

Set deadlines: "I want to finish in the top half at a race by the end of December". This is an element that's really easy to forget or procrastinate, which makes it especially important to focus on.

I'll be hoping to talk with you about your goals for this season, so spend a little time thinking about what you want to get out of it.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

First Practice! Nov 9th

I hope everyone is rejuvenated after a short break from their fall sports and ready to kick off an exciting new season as part of the Tech Nordic Ski Team. The unusually warm fall looks to continue for a bit so we will have a few weeks of dryland training ahead of us. I personally enjoy dryland and the opportunity it gives us to focus on all aspects of skiing. We work on specific skills one at time slowly fine tuning our bodies and mind so when the snow flies we'll be ready to shred;-) I hope everyone is as stoked as I am for this upcoming season and adventure ahead of us! I'm looking forward to the many new faces and those of our returning skiers. See everyone Monday.

Season Starter Reminders:
1. Activity Fee
2. Activity Form if not in a fall sport
3. Practice Starts at 3:45. First practice we will meet in RM 41/Lecture Hall. Down the hall from boys locker room.
4. Fundraiser kick off. Flyers will come out later this week. Start taking orders.