Race at Riverside Park
South dismissed at 12:45 bus leaves at 1.
Tech dismissed at 1, bus leaves at 1:15.
Please dress before getting on the bus.
The bus is only a one-way trip. Parents pick-up at race location. Still waiting for details on where, I would guess Riverside.
South dismissed at 12:45 bus leaves at 1.
Tech dismissed at 1, bus leaves at 1:15.
Please dress before getting on the bus.
The bus is only a one-way trip. Parents pick-up at race location. Still waiting for details on where, I would guess Riverside.
Cathedral/Sartell Nordic Invite 2017
DATE:Tuesday, January 3rd, 2016
TIME:2:00pm Coaches Mtg. (2:30pm first race)
LOCATION:Riverside Park, Kilian Blvd. SE, St. Cloud, MN
INVITED TEAMS: Alexandria, Apollo, Brainerd, Cathedral/Sartell, Little Falls, Mora, St.John’s
Tech, Willmar
RACES: Men /Women = *Varsity/JV/JH Skate- Mass start
Girls =*JH. grades 7-8 only Skate Mass Start (and 9th w/out experience)
Boys =*JH grades 7-8 only Skate Mass Start (and 9th w/out experience)
NOTE:“Guess- timation” of distances in Kilometers (K) isapproximate
SCHEDULE:2:00pm Coaches Mtg. at the prison north loop area or in Riverside Park Shelter
2:30pm Junior High Boys Skate - mass start, 1 loops, (2.5 K loops)
2:31pm Junior High Girls Skate – mass start, 1 loops, (2.5K loops)
2:50pm Girls JV Skate– mass start, 2--2.5 loops (5K )
3:20pm Boys JV Skate - mass start 2--2.5 loops (5K)
3:40pm Girls Varsity Skate – mass start 2--2.5 loops (5K)
4:00pm Boys Varsity Skate - mass start 2--2.5 loops(5K)
4:40 Awards in Riverside Park Shelter
SCORING: Jr High races
The place-card method will be used for the Jr High. Each skier will receive a finishing card
order/placing number on an index card at the finish line and will give the coach after their race.
Coaches, please write your athlete's first/last name and your team name on the post-it/sticky pad
colored paper (given to you at the coaches meeting). Stick the post-it/sticky note colored paper to the
placing card your athlete gives you after their race. Turn in BOTH the placing card and the post-
it/sticky note colored paper to the Shelter inside scoring area as soon as you are able after each race
so scoring can be completed ASAP throughout the meet.
SCORING: Varsity/JV Varsity
Each school varsity teams will earn a team score for their top 4 fastest skiers.
We will determine the team scores by converting each varsity skiers finish time (minus their wave start time) into an overall race finish placement position. We will then add each schools (4) team member’s highest scores together. Highest (4) accumulative score wins 1st place = 100 points, 2nd place = 99 points, 3rd place = 98 points, etc....
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