Friday, December 26, 2014


Happy Holidays! Hope everyone has had a chance to spend time with their families and friends.

Within this break we have a chance to make some great fitness gains and set the rest of the season up for success or slide back and play catch up the rest of the season. I'm hopeful you can find some time in your days to stay active and maybe go find some snow and ski.
I've compiled a little schedule for guidance, make it work for you. Feel free to substitute exercises.
The no snow situation is a drag but staying active is most important!

Mini sampler pick and choose:
If skiing double the times of runs. You can add rollersking or double poling days in place of runs. Elm Creek is in Maple Grove, Hyland is in Bloomington, man made snow loops. Daily fees to ski.

Everyday do a core/strength routine. It takes no more than 10-15min.
Crunch, plank, side plank, scissors, v-sit, superman, russian twist, push-ups, tricep dips, burpees, side squat, single leg squat. Mix and match, add your own just an example.

Don't forget stretching:-)

Friday 26
30-40min run w/daily core/strength

Saturday/Sunday 27 28
Big ski or run
Elm Creek or Hyland with friends
2hrs + each day or 1 hr runs w/daily core/str

Monday 29
30-40min run w/daily core/stregth

Tueday 30
Intervals 90% effort
6x2min w/2min recovery running, skiing or biking
15min warm up 24min Int. 10min cool down
daily core/strength

Wednesday 31
45-1hr run
daily core/strength

Thursday 1
Rest Day

Friday 2
sprints 100% effort
8x30 sec.  on slight incline, can be on skis or rollerskis, double poling if you'd like. If running make sure you have solid footing and you are extremely warm and loose.
You could also go hill bound instead.

Staurday/Sunday 3/4
Big ski or run
Elm Creek or Hyland with friends
2hrs + each day or 1 hr runs w/daily core/str

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