Mesabi 2014
The mere name Mesabi raises the heart rate. I check the forecast every hour the preceding days, not wanting to believe that the weather may actually hold true and provide gorgeous racing conditions for this coming Saturday the 11th. Mother Nature has has been rather unkind the previous two years. First withholding her white gold and then last year she tried raining on our manifest destiny.
Predawn on the 10th elicited a prompt cursing under my breath, it was drizzling, really! With a positive resolve I just hoped we would not be delayed due to poor road conditions, wish granted, Mesabi was on in full force! Enter the Iron Ranges own Robert Zimmerman lyric of your choice; I’m going with “simple twist of fate.”
The bus drive north was uneventful. With each passing mile the drizzle remained, slowly crushing my kick waxing soul. I personally was preparing myself for the task of applying klister to all our classic skis. Not a horrible task but one that can become messy and a bit of a guessing game for skis that are not marked. As soon as we hit the 53 split out of Cloquet it feels like game on, we’ve entered the North Country. Coniferous and birch trees are the new road side norm. The framework that almost always leads to postcard skiing.
The atmosphere on the bus was typical of big race buzz and long hours on the road. Cory wins the award of asking “are we stopping to eat?” the most. The “are we there yet?” award goes to Zeb. As we enter the small Bavarian town of Biwabik it is noticed the drizzle has stopped! The Mesabi trail along side Embarrass Lake looks picture perfect, my heart flutters and I can’t wipe the smile from my face.
As quickly as I hand trail passes out to preski, skiers break for the doors; all wanting a taste of the sweet, sweet, skinny life only found in deep, firm tracks and a level deck of corduroy rolling through the hills of the Laurentian Divide. Sean went deep into the woods with the skate skiers, dissolving any thoughts of doubt that may enter the mind on this hilly course. I strapped on the classics, and with crew in tow headed for the ski hill trails with tempered glee knowing we would only get to preski for a short time. Post ski team enthusiasm was at an all time high. I mentioned to our skiers throughout the year that our time spent on glassy, uneven trails would pay dividends when we finally hit the good stuff. I think everyone felt amazing on these great trails. I know I was ready to send the coach bus home and make this a one way trip.
The Sawmill was our choice for dinner, Virginia’s best log cabin grill. The staff was exceptional and I got my first ever waitress high five after our group was seated. I only look back now with regret that I didn’t snap a photo of the long wooden dining table framed by the smiles of our Tech Nordic Ski family, my race weekend was made and we’d only been on the range for a few hours.
To the Coates: the rumor mill had been pumped to an all time high about our lodging destination. I’d been leaking legendary tales since the x-c running season. Sharing Google images and laying the hyperbole on extra thick in the days leading up to the race. I can say I don’t think there was a disappointed skier on the team. I think an episode of ghost hunters may have been filmed by a few skiers, others went seeking out the many nuances that make the Coates the Coates! Makeshift fridges were made with buckets of ice and coffee makers provided hot water for breakfast, what more could you ask for...? maybe a bottle a ClearEyes, to lessen the irritation and redness of dry eyes from the heavy chlorinated air.
I found Point Break playing on VH1, always a good omen and game changer for me, “you can’t just live to get radical all the time, you need to find the spiritual side of it.” Thank you Bohdi for your divine wisdom and tutelage.
The Tech Nordic Team was impeccable during our stay. The only true drama levied by anyone can go to Room 228’s door lock, a.k.a. the coaches room. The battery died in the locking mechanism post room inspection and lock down...really!! Two trips to the front desk, a hallway reflection session, followed by two more trips from the hotel boss and we were back in our room. Sleep came almost instantly with the help of local public access Channel 16 and it’s great selection of polka music, town events and mom and pop ads. Oh Coates, how I enjoy your quirks.
Race Day, too early: I doubled down on the java as Sean and I rallied the troops. Time to show what Tech Nordic is all about. The Mesabi meet this year had record attendance, 1250 skiers, everyone looking to show what a good snow year has done for their skiing fitness. Almost a duplicate of last year minus the rain. Blustery with temps dropping and a dusting of snow, an unsarcastic perfect! Kick waxing was like a dream and confidence the uphill battle would be won by the skier and not the wax this year. Isaac delivered an amazing early result with a 6th place classic ski. Katie stepped up in the late skate session shattering her old results and getting a personal best with a 21st place finish. Special recognition to all the rookies for their positive attitudes during the long layovers between racers and their late start times. It’s always tough harboring nervous energy all day, but they still showed eagerness to get out racing under this great arena for nordic skiing.
I’d love to go into more details, but each skier fought their own battle once again and have their own story. I only escorted their nervous energy to the start gate, sharing words of wisdom and resounding confidence in their ability and saw the joy, pain and elation at the finish line. Everything in between is for them to share.
All along the yellow and white classic track home I think, or hoped, minds wandered with renewed enthusiasm for what hard training has accomplished so far; along with self reflection as to what may be possible during the remainder of the season, and maybe the most pressing question of all, “when are we stopping to eat?”
Sean and I could not be prouder of the team for their mature and responsible behavior over the course of the weekend.
The family support was amazing, so many thanks as always! has many great photos posted. Just go to the high school tab and select races.
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