Thursday, December 10, 2015

In Defense of Winter

Today I had been searching for inspiration to drive me and you forward during this eternal winter warm spell that is so deficient of snow. I glance out my rain streaked window at work, watching puddles form and see passing cars with windshield wipers waving goodbye to our snow. I know not everyone will hear my pleas or see my joy as encouragement to stick with skiing. I find pleasure in exercise, and rejuvenation in exercise that leads me to the outdoors, especially silent sports. I know not everyone does. You joined the ski team to ski, race and compete, but if you haven’t noticed already, this sport, this team, is about so much more. Yesterday there were so many smiles, laughs, grass tumbling wrecks and general havoc that I can’t help but appreciate your spirit. Seeing Muftah tip to the back of his skis streaking through the grass just missing trees was just too good! This lack of snow sucks, but you guys continue to astound me making the most of it.  While listening to a podcast today, my thoughts muddled, these serendipitous words lifted me up. So I thought I’d put these wonderful expressions out here for you to read. I hope they can maybe do the same for you in your own way.

Paraphrasing from my chicken scratch notes:

I never regret exercising, I always feel better, I always feel calmer when I do. Pay attention to the quiet things, because joy is often quiet. Inconsequential things have to make noise or we wouldn’t pay attention. Moving can turn down the volume. When you truly listen, the quiet things have the most to say.     -Fitz Cahall-

Even if we are not skiing but doing things revolving around the sport we can find those blissful moments. I hope we have a chance to find them on snow, gliding on skinny skis. Remember, even in the madness of racing there is quiet. Please remain open and stay encouraged. It is a tough lesson, but great skiing is never guaranteed and when we have that chance it always makes it special.

Thanks everyone, see you tomorrow.

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