Monday, December 30, 2019

Tuesday, Wednesday

Looking to ski? Here are your best bets for groomed trails Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • Sartell trails, old high school
  • Quarry park, park fee to get in. 2.5km lit skate loop.
  • Riverside and Graystone aren’t scheduled to be groomed until the 5th
  • Thursday we’re back at Riverside. Normal practice.
  • Start packing for Maplelag:-) check e-mail for packing list!!
Have a wonderful New Year!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Friday, Saturday

Friday the 27th

  • Practice at Riverside 3:30-5:30
  • Waxing for rookies & ski
  • Race prep for JV, Varsity
Saturday the 28th
  • Bus leaves Tech 7:20
  • Check race flyer page for race times.
See everyone Friday. Cross those fingers for snow!!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Winter Solstice & Break

Astronomical winter begins at 10:19 p.m. this Saturday, Dec. 21. The midday sun angle gradually become higher above the horizon over the next six months.

What better way to celebrate then with a ski race in Mora, home of the Vasaloppet.
Today was wonderful. What progress in just three short weeks on skis. I hope everyone is proud of what they've accomplished and motivated for the season ahead. 

Let's not give up your hard fought for gains. If you can't make practices over the next week try and find time to ski. We have many wonderful trails to explore. Riverside, North Loop, Graystone, Quarry park, St. Johns, Wildwood (classic) and Warner Lake (classic). Squeeze in push ups, pull ups and strength work as well:)

The week ahead:

  • Captains will be having practice Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings, check Insta or send a text to them for more details.
  • Team practice and waxing Friday 3:30-5:30. Check back for details.
  • Brainerd Race Saturday Dec. 28th. Be at Tech 7:30am.
If we don't see you until Brainerd or the new year have a fantastic Holiday break with Family and friends.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Saturday races

We’re back at it bright and early. Mora round 2.
Bus departs tech 7:30. Be there at 7:15.
Race flyer with times on the flyer page/tab.

Bring the sunblock! It looks hot;-)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Secret Santa and pot luck. Bring your assigned items.

Maplelag checks and e-mail confirmation by tomorrow!
  • Check your emails for information on Maplelag. If you did not receive one or are not on the list please share your email with me. 
  • We've got a warm front coming so let's enjoy the good snow while we have it!

Looking ahead:
  • We all race twice this week in Mora. Friday and Saturday.
  • Dismissed at 11:10, leave 11:30. South 11:30, 11:45.
  • Saturday we leave Tech at 7:30am
  • Schedule is on the flyer page.
  • Secret Santa Thursday and pot luck. 
  • Brainerd race over break the 28th
  • We'll set ski practice dates for winter break
  • Maplelag, do you plan on going?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


The cold is back tomorrow! Dress warm. 
Classic skis if you have them. 
  • Check your emails for information on Maplelag. If you did not receive one or are not on the list please share your email with me. 
  • We've got a warm front coming so let's enjoy the good snow while we have it!

Looking ahead:
  • We all race twice this week in Mora. Friday and Saturday.
  • Dismissed at 11:10, leave 11:30. South 11:30, 11:45.
  • Schedule is on the flyer page.
  • Secret Santa Thursday and pot luck. 
  • Brainerd race over break the 28th
  • We'll set ski practice dates for winter break
  • Maplelag, do you plan on going?

Saturday, December 14, 2019


WOW!!Thanks to all those making the Saturday morning practice. I’m just getting my toes back;)
These are the practices that help you take that next step forward. When it’s cold like this the skis don’t want to move and everything takes that little bit more effort. Don’t be discouraged if you felt slow it was the snow:) With temps creeping up through next week we’ll feel like rock stars when our glide returns.
Rest up Sunday we have a big week ahead.

Looking ahead:
  • We all race twice next week in Mora. Friday and Saturday.
  • Secret Santa Thursday
  • Brainerd race over break the 28th
  • We'll set ski practice dates for winter break
  • Maplelag, do you plan on going? 
Thanks again for the extra effort!
See you back at Riverside Monday.

Friday, December 13, 2019


YES! Everyone was awesome yesterday at the race. Amazing what a difference a week makes on skis:) Thanks for getting out in the cold and cheering your teammates on.

  • Riverside Friday
  • Graystone Saturday 7:30-9.
  • Check your emails for a link to photos from the race.
Looking ahead:
  • We all race twice next week in Mora. Friday and Saturday.
  • Secret Santa Thursday
  • Brainerd race over break the 28th
  • We'll set ski practice dates for winter break
  • Maplelag, do you plan on going? 
See you this afternoon.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Thursday, Apollo Race

Race Notes:
  • Thursday race info on flyer tab.
  • Dismissal: 12:15, Depart 12:45 South 12:45, 1pm
  • Get dressed at school.
  • Reminder the location was moved to Riverside Park. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


So tough to do meaningful instruction in this cold.
Thanks for getting some ski time in today.

  • Rookies focus will be waxing skis straight away.
  • Varsity get after the classic skiing. Skis should still be prepped from today.
  • Students with wax benches; if you need teal wax for the race let me know.
  • We'll go over Thursday race teams and what race you'll be in. 

Race Notes:
  • Thursday race info on flyer tab.
  • Dismissal: 12:15, Depart 12:45 South 12:45, 1pm
  • Get dressed at school.

Monday, December 9, 2019


Slow, soft conditions but everyone rocked it. Wouldn't have know it was so cold with all those smiles:-)
Remember to check the board. If you look around and everyone's gone go to the board! It will have your answers.
If you have classic skis bring them tomorrow, hoping for tracks.
Dab some Vaseline into a container or bring the jug. Lets protect are cheeks and nose from the cold, cold. When that sun drops so do the temps.

Check the Race Flyer for times. The big change is the varsity race is a 4 person relay. I'll have a roster posted.

If you have a wax bench get some blue or teal wax into those skis.

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, December 8, 2019


Powder Day! Snows in the forecast. Temps will be dropping through the day 5 degrees by 4pm. Tuesday, Wednesday look cold, cold. Start looking for the thicker base layers and warmer gloves and neck warmer to cover your face.

Thursday's race has been moved to Riverside park. I'll have the schedule up tomorrow.

Thanks so much to everyone who showed up Saturday! So wonderful to get out on new trails. The change of scenery and more challenging trails are great for growing as skiers.

Let's aim to get on the trails before four at practice. I'd love the expectation to be at the trail head ready to ski at 3:50. It is super difficult to start drills or training when we just wonder out after four. Thanks for making the extra effort.

See you tomorrow.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Saturday Practice

Wonderful week, we're going to keep rolling into Saturday.
We're looking to get on some new trails, not sure on the conditions but let's give it a go.
7:30-9 @ Graystone trails. They are just past riverside park.
Directions: go east on Minnesota Blvd (301) at the four way stop near the St. Benedict Center. If you hit Hwy 10 you've gone to far.
Parking lot is on the South side of the road behind the barn. The opposite side from the prison.

See you there!

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Race one in the books. So proud of all our rookies. Taking a chance and trying a race today. Now remember where you were today and where you end up at the end of the season. With only three on snow practices today was amazing.
I think everyone on the Team learned a lot and can find positives and things we want to improve on. Racing isn't easy! How comfortable are you being uncomfortable? More fun to come.

Tomorrow's practice is 1:30-3:30. I had a great question on the bus today, "Can we practice longer?" You've never seen a coach so happy;) YES! Just arrange rides accordingly for pick up. Make contact with your ride share group if anything changes leaving Tech.

We will have a practice early Saturday morning. Specifics to come tomorrow. Just pencil it in.

Great day! See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Race day!

Beautiful weather is on tap for a great first race.
Check the race flyer for times.
Look at previous post for dismissals.
Remember skis are stored in our storage room next to the activity office.
Change in the locker room and grab skis as you leave the locker room. The bus will depart from door 2, activity office door. South tennis court door.
Bring warm clothes for post race cheering:-)
My goal this race is for you to show support for your teammates and get out on course and cheer them on.
Remember this isn’t the olympics just a first step for half of you and the first race in a new season for others. Let’s have fun and keep a positive mindset. Remember we’ve only had three days on skis!

See everyone tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Great day on the skis! We were a bit more focused on the basics but they're so important to a proper foundation. 

All students received their uniforms today. Things to remember:
1. Store and transport in bags inside out. 
2. Keep away from velcro.
3. Wash inside out.
4. A must, hang dry. 

Meet with your ride share group and head to Riverside park.

  • Let your parents know the shelter closes at 5:30. You will be waiting in the cold and dark for a ride. Please make pick ups prompt. 
  • Rookie group meet with Coaches before going out! Lots of little things. Everyone please walk skis to trail and put on there!!!!
  • Thursday's race. You will be dismissed at 12:15 Tech and 12:30 South. Bus leaves at 12:30 Tech and 12:45 South.
  • There is no shelter so dress before leaving school otherwise you'll be changing in an outhouse.
  • Check with afternoon teachers for missing work.
  • Check the Race Flyer page for times and info.

Sunday, December 1, 2019


Let’s hit repeat on the greatest day ever;-)

So grateful for all the smiles and positive vibes out there tonight!
Returning skiers let’s start on the right ski this season and make those positive technique changes now. It’s always easy to stay comfortably in the middle but the big improvements are in challenging yourself. Read the reminders below!

SNOW! An early Holiday gift:)

Meet with your ride share group and head to Riverside park. We will be skiing!

  • Let your parents know the shelter closes at 5:30. You will be waiting in the cold and dark for a ride. Please make pick ups prompt. 
  • Rookie group meet with Coaches before going out! Lots of little things. Everyone please walk skis to trail and put on there!!!!
  • Thursday's race. You will be dismissed at 12:15 Tech and 12:30 South. Bus leaves at 12:30 Tech and 12:45 South.
  • There is no shelter so dress before leaving school otherwise you'll be changing in an outhouse.
  • Check with afternoon teachers for missing work.
  • Check the Race Flyer page for times and info.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


So, we can’t ski tomorrow because of the potential snowstorm. However, we do have the opportunity to meet at Riverside and wax skis and hand out equipment.
We will meet from 11-2pm or a time within then. This will be the last chance to wax prior to our meet Thursday Dec. 5th.
Why aren’t we skiing if there’s snow? With the first snow fall of year it takes a day or two for the new snow to get packed, groomed and set allowing us to ski on top of the snow and giving us a base.
If all goes to forecast, snow tonight, Friday and Saturday. Everything gets groomed and we’re skiing Monday:)
Remember stay active over break. Continue with our strength, balance and core work!

Hope to see you tomorrow! Drive safe.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Monday and Tuesday's practice will be at Riverside Park. Parents pick up there at 5:30.

  • Meet with your same ride share group after school to get to Riverside. 
  • The practice will be split into an outside session and ski waxing demonstration.
  • New skiers please bring your skis. We will help you put on your first layers of wax.
  • (you can store skis in activity office at Tech or office at South)
  • Returning skiers don't bring your skis. We will be handing out wax benches to individuals who are willing to host small wax groups from their house. If that's you discuss with parents please! Small place in the garage or unfinished basement is needed. Wax residue will make floors slippery during the winter season. 
  • Most of the practice will be outside. 
  • Bring a sense of adventure.
  • Temps look a little colder so gloves and a hat are recommended. 
  • We will have a morning practice 8- Noonish 
  • Plan on skiing!!!
  • Still working out busing or ride info. More info to come. 
  • Choir students can leave early but a most to show up!
Our first race is THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5th. That is the first Thursday after break!! Let's make sure we're ready!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd

Thursday we are at Tech again. Outdoor/Indoor The rain looks to be over in the morning with cold temps and wind to follow. Dress warm, pack the gloves and a hat.

Friday we'll head back at the Beaver Island trailhead. Practice will end at 5pm again due to darkness.
Remember a warm jacket for post run or ski.
We'll make sure to coordinate rides again, but everything went pretty smooth last time.

Let's remember to try and do the little things throughout the day that will improve our overall health contributing to better energy, recovery and skiing! Add a little water and eat whole food, simple first steps:)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Wednesday 20th

So much fun today! I think there was only one bear sighting by the runners. No one had to use the orientation skills I offered up before practice, win, win!

Back to Tech tomorrow, Wednesday. Indoor/outdoor.

Reminders: If you haven't turned in your ski equipment form please do.
  The Captains Team Clothing order is due Friday. Talked to them if you don't know the link.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Tuesday 19th

Nice work today. Enjoyed all the laughs with the different drills!

So tomorrow we will be doing a trail run for everyone without roller skis and roller ski for everyone else. A change of scenery will be refreshing. 
The Team will meet at the Beaver Island trailhead near FedEx off Clearwater Road.
All students will meet with their assigned drivers and ride the mile to the trail.

Please plan an early pick up for 5pm.
Bring a warm jacket to wear post work out. A water bottle to hydrate.
With temps in the 40's you don't want to overdress for the run portion.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Monday, 18th

Dryland week 2.
We will continue to meet at Door 2 for the start of practice. 3:40ish.
We'll start outside and come back in for the second half of practice.
Depending on the weather this week way may get a couple days of roller skiing in. Maybe a trail run as well.
Central MN Nordic Ski Club does have a small man made snow loop up and running at the old Sartell High School. Might be an option for the weekend.

Little reminder, let's remember water bottles this week!

See everyone tomorrow.

Thursday, November 14, 2019


Well the fundraiser was more successful then we could have imagined! Never before have we sold so many, all of them, Spruce Tip Planters on the first day. I know some of us still have orders we took to fill, so unfortunately we're in a holding pattern right now. We're going to see if we can order more. If you would like to let friends and family know we are super thankful for their support and hopeful to get more, however currently don't take new orders.

Friday: back at Tech, meet at door 2 (activity door) from now on. We all know the routine now so let's try and be a bit more prompt at the start of practice. We will be outside to start then back inside for the second half of practice.

If there is interest we could maybe try a little roller skiing on Saturday. We'll talk more tomorrow.

Fantastic job tonight everyone. Thanks again!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Spruce Tip Planter Fundraiser Thursday Extravaganza:)

It's been a wonderful first three days! We've made the most of each day given the conditions. All students who needed skis are fit:) We are rolling.

Tomorrow; Thursday, we are assembling Spruce Planters at our Captains Karl's house.
Dress warm! We assemble outside. Work gloves are nice. We will have snacks and hot chocolate. Feel free to bring something if you'd like.
Parents will pick up at his house near old Tech at 5:30. I believe an email with the address went out. If not your kids can text it.
Just a reminder that these represent Tech and our Nordic Team. Please assemble each one like your name was going to be stamped on it. Friends and family are offering their support so let's give them a quality product.
South students will be walking over together. Remember meet at the Tennis court doors.

Spruce Pots will be available for pick-up immediately after practice! Checks are made out to Tech Nordic. 

Remember you are all now equipped with more then adequate dance moves for any awkward school dance;)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Week 1 Day 1!

Welcome new and returning Tech Nordic skiers! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again. We kick things off with a week of dryland and knocking out Team chores. We'll get the body and mind ready for the transition to snow and skiing. Snow dances are never out of the question, so maybe start practicing your moves tonight.

The week ahead.

Monday Nov. 11th, Practice will start in the Tech commons area. You can't miss us.
We'll start at 3:45. I want to allow time for students to get lockers if they choose to and South students to figure out timing with the Activity bus.

  • We will be going outside for the first part of practice so dress accordingly. High temp is forecast to be 17. Gloves, hat and maybe a neck warmer:-) Once we get running your core will warm up quite quickly.
  • Bring shorts and a T-Shirt. Part II of practice will be back inside.
  • This week we will be doing ski fitting and assembling Spruce Pots.
  • Spruce Pots will be available for pick up this week! Remember 5 is your goal. More is welcome support.
  • Student transportation: I will be sending a form home with your students to have parents sign and talk over. A more detailed e-mail will be coming out as well. 
  • If you weren't at the parent meeting please send me your email address and student name. 
  • Boots. With the cold weather we may be skiing sooner than later, so rent or buy your boots. NNN style to match with the ski bindings we have on Team skis.
I'm super excited for tomorrow and the new Season ahead!  Have a wonderful Sunday. See everyone Monday!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

New Season 19/20

Thank you so much to everyone who showed up to the parent meeting.


  • If you participated in a fall sport you only need to pay for the activity, no paper work necessary.
  • Check your emails for the Spruce Pot fundraiser information. Check out the Team facebook page as well. You should be able to find photos of the Spruce Pot if you look at last November. Remember five is the minimum and selling more is greatly appreciated. 
  • If you're new take some time this weekend and check out a few shops for boots. (Revolution or Fitzharris are great options and offer team discounts.) NNN skate boots are what you want. Make sure and check last year clearance boots as well. Bring wool socks for fitting.
  • More info to come in the week before official practice, so keep checking back.
  • If you have any questions please feel free to email either coach. If you're new there are a thousand little things that don't make sense so don't hesitate to get clarification on any concern.
Have a wonderful Halloween! 

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Reminder the banquet is Tuesday the 26th at 6pm - 7:30 in the Tech Cafeteria.
Check emails for the online sign up.
Please bring uniforms and skis with you to turn in. Students with wax benches will set up another drop off time.

Thanks everyone:-) Enjoy the SNOW!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Tuesday 19th

Hello all,

There is a Team cleaning of Riverside shelter Tuesday. Sartell asked if we'd join in.
Same time as practice. Make it if you can. You could use the time as volunteer hours.

Check back for more details on the banquet. Pencil in the 26th at Tech as of now:-)

Enjoy the snow everyone.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


This is it for our Team. Let's enjoy every bit of it!

Three lines lead back through Norwegian history
-the wake behind the ship the furrow behind the plow,
and the track behind the skier. Spidahl Ski Gaard...
The tradition continues.

Dismissed at 9am. Bus Departs 9:15.
South dismissed 9:10. Pick up 9:25.
Arrive home 7ish

The bus will be our shelter for this meet. Bring food and water.

Banquet looks like February 26th at Tech, more details to come.
You'll turn in skis and uniforms then.

Please continue to use your Team skis until then! We finally have snow. Go find a new trail, get lost and explore.

Please feel free to come and join us Tuesday at Riverside as State skiers will still be practicing.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


School closing update: we can practice tomorrow at 3:30 at Riverside. I really need everyone to show up so you can get your skis for Monday’s Race!! Contact me if you can’t make it and we can have other students grab your skis possibly:-)
Please, please get ahead or caught up in school tomorrow!

Riverside classic speed session Friday:-) temps look cold, per usual. -2 is the high.
Abigail cover that nose;-)

Thursday powder day at Riverside Park. Pack the snorkel;-)

CLC Championship will be held Monday:-) Spidahl Ski Gaard is a unique place to ski and will be a phenomenal place to bring the season to a close. Everyone’s on the roster.

A Brief History…

            In the summer of 1975 Liz and Walter Spidahl purchased a picturesque 1938 farmhouse and a quarter section of land in the Friberg Hills of Otter Tail County. Their son David and nephew Rodney lived on the farm that first winter. They purchased twenty Normark wooden ski packages and a snowmobile and after fashioning a packer and track setter, they utilized existing logging trails and old township roads to create the first trail system of Spidahl Ski Gaard. The following winter Liz and Walter moved onto the farm and with the help of friend Chick Bopp and family members they eventually expanded the trail system to 350 acres. In 1995 David and Cindy purchased the “ski farm” and have continued to provide great skiing in West Central Minnesota to this day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Well that was fun! Wren is our new Section champion. Abigail was 10th and will be joining her at the State Meet. On the boys side Tennessee was 8th and will also be going to State.
I so enjoyed seeing, hearing how everyone’s day was. Thanks for putting it all out there. Let’s learn grow and set new goals.

Tomorow I should get more information on CLC...

Practice at riverside. Let’s plan on classic with the new snow, skate if you don’t have them. It might just be bit soft. Temps look great. 22F :-)

Let’s  enjoy this new snow!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday, Tuesday

Section Skiers:
Arrive to load bus at 6:40am. Pick skis up from waxing room and load on bus.
Bus will leave at 7am. Testing wax and coarse inspection are super important tomorrow. Any delay, trickles into a more rushed/chaotic scene, hurting you and your teammates. PLEASE, PLEASE be on time!!
Arrive home 5ish.

Pack those go to snacks for in between races. Good breakfast, restful evening tonight.
Bring lots of water. They do not have water available at the race.
Don't forget that glass of water in the morning.

Temps look cold. Bring lots of layers and a change of base layers. Nothing drains your energy more than waiting around shivering in wet base layers after the first race. Get dry, get warm. Two big steps to a successful afternoon skate race.

Monday, Pre-ski at Riverside 3:45-4:30. You know the drills.

No practice for non Section Skiers Tuesday.
We'll see everyone Wednesday back at Riverside.

Thursday, January 31, 2019


Bring both skate and classic skis. We'll start on skate 3:45-4:30 and then those looking to improve classic technique can make the switch 4:30-5:30.

Temps look wonderful tomorrow:-)

Saturday is the Jr. High Championship. I was hoping the Team could come out and ski and hour before the races then cheer on your teammates after! ski 1:30-2:30ish.

Updates from your Captains:

Section Team pasta feed: Abigail's house, Sunday February 3rd; 5:00pm Bring food items. I believe an e-mail went out.

Barn Party 17695 horseshoe road, February 9th. Bring food 6:00pm till whenever you decide to leave. Hosted by Captain Noah

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Thursday practice is on:-)

You know the drill... it’s cold, get the petroleum jelly ready and we’re skiing. Layers, layers, hats and gloves.

Bring classic skis:-)

3:30-5:30 Riverside Shelter.

Jr High Championship
Saturday the 2nd
Races start at 3:30 plan on being there at 2:30.
I’ll post the flyer tomorrow.

Still haven’t received the official CLC reschedule date but was looking like Friday the 8th as of Monday. Will hopefully know more once we’re back in school.

See you tomorrow:)

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The week Ahead

Tuesday’s CLC Championship will be rescheduled for Friday the 8th or Saturday the 9th due to forecasted extreme cold.
Section rosters will be posted Monday at practice.
With the potential for only two or three practices next week it is super important you attend! Mandatory for Sections Team.

Please, please bring appropriate clothing. If you put dry socks on before practice your feet will stay much warmer. Keep gloves in your school bag, not the car, so they are not cold when we start practice. A buff/neck warmer locks the heat into your jacket and wind out,again keeping you warmer. Ladies ditch the headband and wear a hat!

Snow is forecasted! Bring classic skis Monday.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Temp of -7 with 25mph winds, gusting to 30:-(
Take time to catch up in school, wax skis, nap, practice dryland ski posture, (hips, arms, poling, power of square, classic leg swings) etc...

If you are up for it get a group and go to the Y. Do a light run, stretch, light lifting.

Today was phenomenal!! 18 skiers doing a pursuit, love it! 

Take time to analyze your race. We'll be back in two weeks for Sections. Where were you weak? What small gains could you have made? Knowing the downhills now, did you need to snow plow or could you have let the skis run. Did the kick feel too thick? Visualize your perfect race. The next one counts. 

See you Friday at Riverside.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Tuesday + Race Date Change

The big change is the Little Falls Invite has been moved up to Wednesday due to extreme cold and high winds predicted for Thursday.

Please, make contact with your teachers and finish any assignments up tonight or tomorrow for the week ahead. Reminder: we will also miss next Tuesday for CLC Championship. Get ahead on your day off!!!!!

Tomorrow practice will be 3:30 to 5:30. Bring classic skis for waxing and skate for skiing. Please try and be on time. I will be giving a kick wax demo for the race Wednesday. If you have a waxing set up at home try and get Teal wax into your skis tonight or tomorrow.
Everyone will be racing the Pursuit race:-) minus JH.
We will wax for kick wax in waves at practice. Waxing times are your normal race grouping.
3:30-4 Varsity Girls
4-4:30 JV Girls
4:30-5 JV Boys
5-5:30 Varsity Boys

Bus leaves at 7:30, be there by 7:20 Wednesday.
We should be home 4:30ish.

With the pursuit format a well round breakfast will help set you up for success. Bring healthy snacks and food for between races. A sports drink you are accustomed would help refuel between races as well.

Race times are on the Flyer tab.

See everyone tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Updates Friday

 Please bring classic skis Friday to wax for Saturday.

We'll have practice as scheduled Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

The Bemedji Meet has been cancelled due to extreme cold temps.
We will still be skiing Saturday! So don't change your plans!! Depart at 7am, return 1:30pm.

We will likely have practice Monday and Tuesday for sure. Tuesday will be normal time 3:30-5:30 at Riverside. Check back for updates over the long weekend.

The Alexandria meet was a blast. Thanks for the laughs and stories! The results are a bit sloppy in the Varsity races but the ski was still great. The conditions were much better then expected so that was a huge plus:-)

Two or Three weeks left depending if you are on JV or Varsity. We have a few Varsity spots to fill for Sections...get after it!  Let's make the most of our remaining time.

Remember next Thursday The Little Falls meet is an all day event. NO SCHOOL so talk with your teachers ahead of time.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Tuesday, Race Day

Classic Race Day:-0 Gulp!

We're going to have fun tomorrow. Just give it your best. A lot of you have minimal classic experience, no worries!

Please bring your skate skis for warming up and pre skiing the trail.
If you don't have classic skis I'll find some!

Dismissed at 12:45.
Bus leaves at 1pm.
South 1:05pm.

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 13, 2019


This week we have races Tuesday (Alexandria/classic) and Saturday(Bemidji/pursuit, no JH.) Everyone should plan on attending both.

Bring your classic skis and skate skis to practice tomorrow. We need to prep them for Tuesday.
You are dismissed at 12:45.
Bus leaves at 1.

Race Flyer is up.

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

French Toast Friday with a side of grilled cheese

Picture day! Bring your handouts:-) Remember uniforms as well!!!!

Items for "The Otto placed 5th and brought home the bacon extravaganza!"

Captains: eggs/plates
12th fruit
11th and 10th toppings (Maple Syrup, Jam, Whipped Cream)
9th and JH: Juice

If you have classic poles bring them. We'll be doing some double poling.

So much fun today! Thanks for remaining positive in less then ideal conditions.

Monday, January 7, 2019

This Week

Enjoy the rest day Monday. You've all earned it. Spectacular weekend:-) Catch up in school or get ahead.

Plan on Riverside Tuesday.

I have the race flyer posted for St. John's Prep. 12:45 dismissal. Bus leaves at 1pm.
South Pick up 1:05.

TEAM PHOTOS Friday the 11th. I'll have picture flyers for those of you interested Tuesday and Wednesday at Riverside.