Dismissal Times:
Junior High- 1:20, Parent Volunteers pick up at Tennis Court Doors
High School- 1:40
DATE: Tuesday, December 18, 2012
TIME: 2:10 pm Coaches Mtg.
LOCATION: North Loop. Hwy 301 just west of the St Cloud prison off of Hwy 10 and at the intersection on 15th Ave South Cloud, MN
INVITED TEAMS: Alexandria, Apollo/Sauk Rapids, Brainerd, Cathedral/Sartell, Little Falls, Mora, St. John’s Prep, Tech, Willmar, Brainerd and Trek North
Men /Women = *Varsity/JV Skate, Mass Start
Girls = *Jr. Hi. Grades 7-8 only Skate Mass Start
(9th grade w/out experience)
Boys = *Jr. Hi. Grades 7-8 only Skate Mass Start
(9th grade w/out experience)
NOTE: “Guesstimation” of distances in Kilometers (K) is approximate
2:10pm Coaches Mtg. in North loop Trail area or a bus
2:30pm Junior High Boys Skate - mass start, 1 loops, (3.1K loops)
2:35pm Junior High Girls Skate – mass start, 1 loops, (3.1K loops)
3:00pm Boys Varsity Skate - mass start 2 loops, (3.1K loops)
3:30pm Girls Varsity Skate –mass start 2 loops, (3.1K loops)
4:00pm Boys JV Skate– mass start, 2 loops, (3.1K loops)
4:05pm Girls JV Skate - mass start 2 loops, (3.1K loops)
4:40 Awards onsite
**Times are approximate, as one race finishes, the next one starts.**
The Neal Family has graciously offered their 12 passenger van as a warming hut for racers! Thanks Jason and Jessica!
Schedule Change: There will not be a Willmar meet on Thursday December 20th. The Brainerd meet will be Friday December 28th instead of the 29th that was on the original schedule.