Monday, December 31, 2012


Heading out the house on this New Years Eve and I thought I'd throw a few photos from this past week up onto the blog. Going to end the year with a waxing session of skis and a sauna with friends. Going to cook some food in the sauna as a homage and sacrifice to the snow gods. Thanking them for a great winter so far and hoping to entice them into more snow this new year.It was fun seeing so many friends, family and Tech skiers on the trails this past week. Looking forward to a great new year!



Paradise Below Zero

What, What?

The Gauntlet


Will be on the trails again tomorrow to start the new year on the right ski!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

More Photos

What a fun day!  It was great to see so many parents and team meambers out on the trails today!  The conditions are the best they have been in years.  We are so lucky to have these trails in our back yard.  A special thanks to all the individuals who maintain our trails!

Our next meet is Saturday, January 5th 2013 in Alexandria.  More details to follow.

Parent Reminder:

Tech Nordic Parent/Coach Dessert Night
What: We ask parents to bring a dessert to share-we provide beverages (coffee, hot chocolate, wine etc.).
Where: Martha Christensen's house
6424 46th Avenue South East
St. Cloud, MN 56304


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Brainerd Post Race

I hope everyone had a blast yesterday at the Brainerd Invite. The conditions were near perfect. A light dusting of snow was falling throughout most of the day, adding a real flavor to the holdiays and ski atmosphere. The event took place on the beautiful Arboretum Ski Trails.

We're proud of the whole team. Several individuals stepped up and out of there comfort zones and performed well even with the added disipline of classic skiing.
Congrat's to the following: Varsity Boys: Cory 1st, Chris 2nd, and Isaac 10th. JV Boys: Jason 3rd
JV Girls: 3rd Kaethe  JH Boys: Zeb 1st Connor 6th.

An added reminder! We have a RACE NEXT SATURDAY JAN. 5TH IN ALEXANDRIA. Details to come.

As always thanks to many parents and friends who showed up to cheer the team on and supply us with the many treats throughout the day. Much appreciated!

Lastly we have four days of break left...lets make the most of it. We have extremely good trail conditions around the area currently. Both coaches will be out skiing at Greystone each day. If you need anything let us know. We'd love to work on technique, get your kick wax set up and help with general fitness. Hoping to see you on the trails!

View photo.JPG in slide showView photo.JPG in slide show

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tomorrow, Thursday December 27th, at 3:00, Baylee has opened her home for a waxing party and a pasta feed.  More information is available on her facebook page.  If you do not have that information, please get a hold of Lance.



          Friday, December 28th

Be at Door 6 at 6:45 to load bus.  Bus will leave at 7:00!

Make sure to pack a lunch and plenty of fluids.  There is not anything available on site.  We may stop after the meet to eat so bring money as well.

Start Time: 10:00 a.m.

Location:  Northland Arboretum

Format:      Varsity – Continuous Pursuit 3k/3k Mass start
                   JV – 5k skate
                   JH – 3k skate – wave start
Schedule:  9:30 – Coaches meeting
                   10:00 – Varsity Boys
                   11:00 – Varsity Girls
                   12:00 – Junior Varsity Boys
                   12:30 – Junior Varsity Girls
                   1:00 – Junior High Boys
                   1:30 – Junior High Girls
                   2:00 – Awards
***Times may vary depending on entry numbers***

Scoring:     Top 4 times will score for the team place.
Awards:     1st-10th medals for individual varsity
                   1st-10th ribbons for JV and JH
Parking:     Park buses in lower lot and have skiers walk up to building and trails.

Lance was out for a ski before Christmas and caught a few of you training on your own, Nice Work!!


Thursday, December 20, 2012


For Tomorrow:
It's the end of the world as we know it?......Sooooo, let's have a party!  We are going to meet at Riverside.  Bring your skate or classic skis.  We plan to have a fun day.  Relays, obstacle course and other fun stuff.  What would a party be without food?  We will barbeque hamburgers, brats and chicken. (Sheila will purchase these items.)  Chris and Cory volunteered to shop tonight.  They will pick up chips, soda and juice.  All you have to do is bring yourself and $3.00 to help offset expenses.  There are no limits, if you want to bring something to share, that is cool.

Zack will you be providing the entertainment?

Parents can pick up their skier between 5:15 - 5:30.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


For Tomorrow:

Meet at Riverside Park.  The weather forecast calls for a cold and windy afternoon, so dress warm.  Bring classic or skate equipment. 

If you ordered a jacket, make sure you get payment to Lance as soon as possible.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


For Tomorow:  Meet at the prison Graystone Trail Head (the barn on the south side of 301.)

Congratulations to the Boys Varsity Team Victory!


 Lance and I are thrilled with everyone's performance! 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tuesday Meet Info

Dismissal Times:
Junior High- 1:20, Parent Volunteers pick up at Tennis Court Doors
High School- 1:40

DATE:            Tuesday, December 18, 2012
TIME:             2:10 pm Coaches Mtg.
LOCATION:  North Loop.  Hwy 301 just west of the St Cloud prison off of Hwy 10 and at the intersection on 15th Ave South Cloud, MN

INVITED TEAMS:    Alexandria, Apollo/Sauk Rapids, Brainerd, Cathedral/Sartell, Little Falls, Mora, St. John’s Prep, Tech, Willmar, Brainerd and Trek North

Men /Women = *Varsity/JV Skate, Mass Start
     Girls = *Jr. Hi. Grades 7-8 only Skate Mass Start
     (9th grade w/out experience)
Boys = *Jr. Hi. Grades 7-8 only Skate Mass Start
(9th grade w/out experience)
NOTE:  “Guesstimation” of distances in Kilometers (K) is approximate

2:10pm Coaches Mtg. in North loop Trail area or a bus
2:30pm Junior High Boys Skate - mass start, 1 loops, (3.1K loops)
2:35pm Junior High Girls Skate – mass start, 1 loops, (3.1K loops)
3:00pm Boys Varsity Skate - mass start 2 loops, (3.1K loops)
3:30pm Girls Varsity Skate –mass start 2 loops, (3.1K loops)
4:00pm Boys JV Skate– mass start, 2 loops, (3.1K loops)
4:05pm Girls JV Skate - mass start 2 loops, (3.1K loops)

4:40 Awards onsite

**Times are approximate, as one race finishes, the next one starts.**

The Neal Family has graciously offered their 12 passenger van as a warming hut for racers!  Thanks Jason and Jessica!


Schedule Change: There will not be a Willmar meet on Thursday December 20th.  The Brainerd meet will be Friday December 28th instead of the 29th that was on the original schedule.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

For Monday

We will be doing a short run from Tech tomorrow.  Bring your skis and we will wax in preparation for Tuesday's Meet.

We will have more information about the meet at tomorrow's practice.  Coaches will evaluate the snow after the rain on Saturday.

Here are a couple pictures of Coach Lance a couple weeks ago tearing up the cyclocross scene.

Also, parents and athletes, please talk about the Mesabi meet at Giants Ridge in January. The coaches need to know who is planning on making the trip so that they can make the proper accomodations.  Please let Lance know by Wednesday of this week.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Our Workout:  Today we enjoyed another great day at Riverside on excellent snow.  One group was out working on their skate skills.  Another group was out spending time on their classic skis working on technique.

For Tomorrow:  Meet at Riverside.  Classic or Skate Skis.  We will be doing double pole drills and sprints.  Our workout will be short and explosive.

Parents can pick up their skiers at 4:30.

Fund Raiser Reminder:
Friday, December 14th
5:00 - 7:00
Meat Raffle

Sauk Rapids VFW Post #6992
901 North Benton Drive
Sauk Rapids,  MN  56379

We still need volunteers!  Please come and support your sons and daughters!

100% of proceeds go directly to the
Tech Nordic Team Racing Budget

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday 12-12-12

Our Workout:  Today we simply enjoyed skiing.  Individuals worked on skills to help with their racing.  The snow was perfect!  The weather was enjoyable and the atmosphere was relaxed.

For Tomorrow:  We will meet at Riverside Park.  If you have classic skis, bring them.  We want to spend some time working on our classic skills.  The tracks at Riverside are awesome!

Parents can pick up their athletes between 5:00-5:15pm

If you are interested in purchasing a Tech Nordic Ski jacket, Lance has samples.  Meet with him so you can try them on for proper size. 

Fund Raiser Reminder:
Friday, December 14th
Meat Raffle
Sauk Rapids VFW Post #6992
Sauk Rapids, MN 56379

"Dad, when can I join the team?" Love, Efram

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


For Tomorrow:  Meet at Riverside!  Parents can pick up skiers between 5:00 - 5:15.

Race Day:  Congratulations Tech Nordic Skiers!  I hope you are all relaxed and warm.  It feels good to have experienced our first big race.  There was a broad range of emotion and adrenaline.  From our Varsity Boys Team Victory,  Individual Medal Winners, and our team members who participated in the Rookie Race.  It's okay if you feel exhausted, you worked hard. 

Thank you parents for the cheering, cowbells, food and hot chocolate!  We are so thankful for your support!

Our next meet is Tuesday, December 18th
(more detailed information to follow.)

Fund Raiser Reminder:
Meat Raffle Friday, December 14th
Sauk Rapids VFW Post 6992
5:00 - 7:00
We need volunteers.


Monday, December 10, 2012


For Today:  Oh what fun it was to ski at the North Loop on this amazing snow!  What more is there to say?  We had a great day!  

Tomorrow's Meet:

There will be no bus.  Thank you in advance for carpooling and helping each other out.
High School Dismissed at 1:20
Middle School Dismissed at 1:00  Tennis Court Door.  Parents will help with carpool.

Apollo Nordic Invitational
Tuesday December 11th

Location:       Riverside Park
1725  Killian Blvd SE
                    St.  Cloud

Invited Schools: Alexandria,Tech, Brainerd, Buffalo, Cathedral,Fergus Falls,Little Falls, Mora, St. John’sPrep and Willmar.


1:30 Coaches meeting in Riverside warming house

2:00 Junior High Race 1 loop, Girls Mass Start, then Boys

2:45 Girls JV, Wave start

3:15 Boys JV, Wave start

3:45 Girls Varsity, Interval start – Maximum of 6 skiers per school

4:15 Boys Varsity, Interval start –Maximum of 6 skiers per school

4:40 Rookie Race- open to all first year skiers and less confident competitors.  Mass start,  Short course.

Awards will be immediately after the Rookie Race.

Good luck to all!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday PM

 We are so lucky to have this wonderful snow!

For Tomorrow:  Meet at the North Loop. Bring your skies and be ready to ski!  Dress in layers.
Remember to eat something before practice.  Keep hydrated during your workout.  Stay warm and have some fun in the snow!

Parents pick up skiers at the North Loop between 5:00-5:15pm

A huge thank you to the individuals who have been out all day preparing the ski trails!  We appreciate all of you!!!

More Race Photos from 12-06-12

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Race Day

Lance and I would like to congratulate all skiers who raced today.  It was nice to see so much team support and spirit.  Thank you to parents who organized post race food and beverages.  Thank you also to the many parents, grandparents and friends who came out to support our team.

For Tomorrow:  If you are able get to Elm Creek or Riverside this weekend that would be fantastic!  Any amount of time you can spend on the snow would be beneficial.  If you are not able to find snow, get out your running shoes.  Think about your race today.  How did you feel?  Where would you like to see yourself improve?  Go for a long overdistance run, a shorter faster interval run, hill repeats.  Do what you think will help your skiing.  Our next meet is scheduled for Tuesday, December 11th.  More than likely we will be waxing on Monday.  This weekend's workout is important.  Enjoy your long weekend!



Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Our Workout:  Skiers ran for 30 minutes.  We met in the small engine room where we prepared our skies for tomorrows meet.  Lance and I assigned uniforms.

For Tomorrow:  Meet at Powder Ridge in Kimball.

Middle School will be dismissed at 10:45am
Bus will pick you up by the Tennis Court Door.

High School will be dismissed at 11:00am.
Bus pick up door 6

Juniors after testing meet Lance at door 6.  A school van will transport you to the meet.

Race Start Time: 12:30pm
Location: Powder Ridge

Participating Schools: Alexandria, Apollo, Brainerd, Cathedral/Sartell, Little Falls, Mora, St. John's Prep, Tech, Willmar and Trek North

Races: Skate Mass wave for Jr. High, JV and Varsity

12:30-Junior High Girls (1.5K) 1 lap
12:55-Junior High Boys (1.5K) 1 lap
1:20 - Girls JV Skate (3K) 2 laps
1:45 - Boys JV Skate (3K) 2 laps
2:10 - Girls Varsity Skate (3K) 2 Laps
2:35 - Boys Varsity Skate (3K) 2 Laps